Maaf ya telat baru sempet ngepost juga :'D heheh
Sawatdhee Kha!
#lermaniacs ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Kali ini ngepost tentang Logan ya!
Selamat Membaca.
Hope you guys enjoy it.
# Full Name
# Nick Name
Loggie, Logs
# Age
22, birthdate (January, 19th 1992).
zodiac: Capricorn.
# Born Place
Beverly Hills, LA, California, AS.
# Nationality
# Education
Logan Lerman lulus dari Beverly Hills High School. Pada tahun 2010, ia diterapkan untuk belajar menulis kreatif di Universitas New York, tetapi telah ditunda kehadirannya.
# Occupation
Aktor dan Musisi
# Height
175 cm
# Weight
65 kg.
# Girlfriend
(I think Logan wasn't dating with anygirl)
Alexandra Daddario (Rumor)
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Logan and Alexandra |
Zoe Aggeliki (Rumor)
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Logan and Zoe |
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Amy and Logan :( |
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Emma and Logan (cocok aw❤😍) |
# Hair Color
# Eye Color
ooohh baby blue eyes <3
# Religion
# Best known for
Bermain dalam film 2010 fantasi-petualangan Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief sebagai Percy Jackson. Film ini dinominasikan untuk 5 penghargaan tapi tidak memenangkan apapun.
# First Album
Logan belum merilis album apapun. Tapi, ia memiliki minat yang besar dalam musik. Dia menyatakan bahwa musik adalah gairah terbesar setelah Film. Karena gairah besar dalam musik, ia bekerja sama dengan Dean Collins (sahabat) untuk membuat sebuah band - Indigo bersama dengan musisi Daniel Pashman. Logan memainkan gitar dan keyboard, Pashman memainkan drum dan Collins sebagai vokalis.
# First Film
2000 komedi romantis film Amerika What Women Want untuk perannya sebagai "Young Nick Marshall".
# First TV show.
2003 Police drama TV series 10-8: Officers on Duty. Perannya sebagai Bobby Justo. Sebenarnya, ia hanya muncul dalam episode just1 bernama - Badlands.
Kemudian, Logan muncul di TV sebagai Bobby McCallister dalam teen drama show Jack & Bobby. Acara ini ditayangkan 2004-2005 pada WB Network. Logan melakukan semua 22 episode dan memenangkan "Young Artist Award: Best Performance dalam Serial TV (Komedi atau Drama) - Leading Young Actor”.
# Loggie favorite things❤
1. fav makanan - Sushi
2. fav sutradara - Paul Thomas Anderson, Stanley Kubrick, David Fincher, Peter Bogdanovich
3. fav film - American Beauty (1999), Defending Your Life (1991), Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
4. fav olahraga - Basket
5. fav team - Los Angeles Lakers (Basket)
6. fav warna - Biru
# Loggieee facts❤
1. Logan mempunyai 2 saudara kandung, yaitu Lindsey dan Lucas (dua-dua-nya lebih tua)
2. Sebagian besar saudara Logan bekerja di kedokteran
3. Logan mendeskripsikan dirinya sebagai "film geek" dan "creative person"
4. Logan sangat menyukai bekerja di depan Camera. Dia ingin menjadi filmmaker dan juga ingin menjadi Sutradara dan Penulis.
5. Logan mempunyai dua anjing yang bernama Lola dan Stella.
6. Keluarganya memiliki orthotics dan prosthetics perusahaan "Lerman & Son", yang didirikan oleh kakek buyutnya, Jacob Lerman pada tahun 1915.
7. Dean Collins adalah sahabatnya. Logan dan Collins pertama kali bertemu pada serial "Jack & Bobby". Sejak saat itu, mereka telah membuat band mereka sendiri dan juga membuat film pendek di waktu luang mereka, mereka meng-upload di YouTube dengan nama akun: monkeynuts1069.
8. Setelah menonton film Jackie Chan, Logan mengatakan kepada ibunya bahwa ia ingin menjadi aktor saat ia berusia 2 ½ tahun.
9. Pada usia 4, ia sudah dipesan untuk 2 iklan.
10. Seluruh nama keluarga Logan mulai dengan huruf 'L' - Larry (Bapak), Lisa (Ibu), Lucas (Brother) dan Lindsey (Sister).
11. Dia bermain Sepak Bola dan Basket di waktu luangnya. Dia ingin berlatih bermain Tenis. Aw so cool guys❤
# filmografi
2013 : Stuck in Love
Bermain sebagai Lou
Bermain sebagai Lou
2013 : The Only Living Boy in New York
Bermain sebagai Brody Jameson
Bermain sebagai Brody Jameson
2009 : Gamer
Bermain sebagai Simon
Bermain sebagai Simon
2009 : My One and Only
Bermain sebagai George Devereaux
Bermain sebagai George Devereaux
2007 : Bill
Bermain sebagai The Kid
Bermain sebagai The Kid
2007 : 3:10 to Yuma
Bermain sebagai William Evans
Bermain sebagai William Evans
2006 : Hoot
Bermain sebagai Roy Eberhardt
Bermain sebagai Roy Eberhardt
2004 : Jack & Bobby
Bermain sebagai Bobby McCallister
Bermain sebagai Bobby McCallister
2004 : The Butterfly Effect
Bermain sebagai Evan at 7
Bermain sebagai Evan at 7
2003 : The Flannerys
2003 : A Painted House
Bermain sebagai Luke Chandler
Bermain sebagai Luke Chandler
2001 : Riding in Cars with Boys
Bermain sebagai Jason - Age 8
Bermain sebagai Jason - Age 8
2000 : What Women Want
Bermain sebagai Young Nick Marshall
Bermain sebagai Young Nick Marshall
2000 : The Patriot
Bermain sebagai William Martin
Bermain sebagai William Martin
# Personal Quotes (12)
1. [about his character in Jack & Bobby (2004)] "The kind of boy few people really understand. He's a bit of a misfit."
2. I'd much rather play sports with my free time. I also like watching classic movies and watching certain TV shows, like The Simpsons (1989). I'm a big basketball fan too. That would be my sport of choice.
3. [Portraying a geek is] "Fun. I'm not the kind of guy kids picked on in school, but I've seen it happen. I've never really given much thought to being cool. I don't really think about it one way or the other."
4. I'm not the kind of guy who got into this to be famous.
5. The best thing about this is being able to learn from, and act with, your heroes.
6. I just don't want to repeat the same thing over and over again, so I'm always looking for something that's going to be challenging and make me nervous every time I start a project.
7. I'm from Los Angeles and acting was accessible. There's always a place to wait in line for an audition and I kind of begged my parents to take me. My mom nurtured my career and helped me climb the ladder. I have had a passion for movies from a young age. I first got interested in acting when I was probably four or five.
8. Some people don't have an open mind, and when I was traveling to different places I think I found it hard to enjoy things. You know, I come from a great city where there are lots of things happening, and if you end up in a small town where you don't have all those things you can feel the difference. somewhere along the way, though, I think I learned to appreciate the difference.
9. They say every year you put off university is like three years if you want to go back. But, for now, this seems like the right path.
10. I play music. I love learning a new instrument and creating songs; it also goes hand in hand with filmmaking, like creating a feeling and emotion in music to complement a scene. Songwriting, guitar, piano, bass, ukulele, a little bit of violin, a little bit of everything - primarily guitar and piano. It's just a hobby for now, maybe it would turn into a profession someday... who knows.
11. I've always been able to just go off for a couple of months, shoot a film, go back to school and have my regular life. My family thought it was really important to have that level of normalcy. You kind of need to keep that in order to even tap into a character, let alone be a functioning human being.
12. [on his similarities to his character in The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012)] I guess with his awkwardness and trying to figure things out in that time period and how to socialize and fit in. I guess I wasn't as naive as him, but I definitely had the morals that he had... A lot of situations in the script have actually happened to me in real life, so I just connected with it.
1. http://healthyceleb.com/logan-lerman-height-weight-body-statistics-trivia/2480
2. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0503567/bio
3. id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logan_Lerman
4. http://www.wowkeren.com/seleb/logan_lerman/film.html
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